Why This Should Matter To You & The Future of Your Business
Book In Your Free Discovery Call.
  • What is it: A discovery call is basically a 30 minute deep dive in which we first of all (1) going to assess if your business is at its current state ready to take us on board to run your Facebook advertisement for you. We want to have a scope of where your business is at the moment (maximum capacity, sales process, etc.) because in the next months (potentially years) we're going to play a huge role of where your business is now to where you want your business to be. 
  • ​Secondly (2), we'll look if we are going to be the right fit. 
  • ​And lastly (3), at the end you'll come to a decision wether you want to stay were you're right now or if you're going to level up to come where you want to be. We both now the best way to achieve that is marketing and online marketing in particular because it's the most efficient and trackable way.
  • Pick a time: Select your timezone and pick a time that is convenient for you.
  • Questions: Fill in the short questionnaire. This saves a lot of time during the call and we would like to have some background information.
  • Zoom: The discovery call will be hosted on Zoom. You'll receive a confirmation email containing the date, time and place. For the place it will show a unique Zoom meeting ID link which you can use for our call.
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